Light of Loving Kindness

place Chicago, Illinois, USA
language http://www.LightofLovingKindness…


Saved on 55 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Light of Loving Kindness is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that empowers a new generation of conscious leaders by providing access to streams of self-awareness, through specialized programming, mindfulness-based solutions, social-emotional learning, human connection, nature, art, and holistic wellness tools that cultivate the self-esteem and confidence needed to pursue their life's purpose.

What We Do

We accomplish this thru workshops, education, training, and resiliency services at free to low cost to communities that are low-income, underserved, and trauma & violence affected.


Cassandra P
Cassandra P.
Executive Director & Founder
Rebekah H
Rebekah H.
Co-Light Director of Operations & Partnerships
Ayanna L.
Co-Light Director of Programs and Events
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