Google Ads Set Up

Help Daring Girls (formerly AfricAid) make the most of a Google Ad Grant by setting up Google Ads to drive traffic to their website.
Daring Girls (formerly AfricAid)
Denver, CO, USA
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Daring Girls (formerly AfricAid)
Denver, CO, USA


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Posted October 14th

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Project details

What we need
  • Set up of Google Ads
  • Training for staff on how to monitor performance and update Google Ads going forward
  • Optional: Set up integration between Google Ads and Google Analytics
Additional details

I'd like help getting our free nonprofit account set up, setting up a paid AdWords account, and connecting it all to our Google Analytics. My org has (had?) a free AdWords account, but it was suspended because it was never used. I think I've reactivated it, but it is a bit of a cobweb of accounts and logins that I need help sorting out and getting initially set up. A little training would be terrific, too!

What we have in place
  • We currently have a free Nonprofit AdWords account, which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have ideas!, and the ability to provide any other information you need.
How this will help
This project will save us $3,486 , allowing us to pay 3 months' rent on our office space, or provide training to all mentors and managers involved with our Kisa Project, a leadership course for girls in TZ in their last two years of secondary school.

I've used AdWords at a previous nonprofit and found that the paid version did a great job converting donors. Free AdWords were so nice to have to keep traffic flowing to specific pages of our site. I'd love to replicate that for AfricAid and help grow our web presence.

Project plan

Prep: Discuss Ads Goals & Strategy
  • Professional and Volunteer Manager discuss goals and target audiences for search engine marketing efforts
  • Volunteer Manager shares Ads credentials with Professional, as well as past marketing materials and style guide to use for ad content creation
Milestone 1: Organize Account & Choose Landing Pages
  • Professional establishes Google Ads campaigns based on target audiences (e.g., donors vs. beneficiaries) and Ad groups within each campaign
  • Volunteer Manager and Professional choose landing pages for each ad group
  • Professional trains Volunteer Manager on how to establish/modify campaigns and ad groups going forward
Milestone 2: Establish Keywords
  • Volunteer Manager and Professional use Keyword Planner to pick keywords for each ad group
  • Professional trains Volunteer Manager on how to monitor performance and update keywords & keyword match types
Milestone 3: Write Ads
  • Professional writes copy for Ads (one for each Ad group, if applicable)
  • Volunteer Manager provides feedback on Ad copy, which Professional incorporates
Milestone 4: Reporting
  • Professional trains Volunteer Manager on how to monitor Ads portal for ongoing reporting
  • (Optional) If Organization already has Google Analytics tracking codes on website, Professional integrates Google Ads with Google Analytics to help Volunteer Manager understand the behavior of users who click on their ads
  • (Optional) Professional trains Volunteer Manager on how to monitor website activity from Google Ads on Google Analytics
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About the org

Daring Girls (formerly AfricAid)
Our mission

Daring Girls partners locally to ensure that girls have the knowledge, tools, and mentorship to confidently design their own futures.

Our vision is a world where every girl has the skills, confidence, and savvy to design her own future and dare to become exactly who she wants to be.

What we do

. In partnership with GLAMI (Girls Livelihood and Mentorship Initiative), Daring Girls works to support girls at a key stage in their life where access to mentorship, education, and life skills can transform the trajectory of their futures.

Through two core mentoring programs - which recently earned the 2022 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education - we support girls who dare to do something different, who choose to prioritize their education and take control of their futures. Every week, these Scholars show up to learn together in a supportive environment from a successful, university educated woman mentor who exemplifies what they can become. As a result, girls become more resilient, more confident, and more prepared to set and reach their goals.


Working with Terry was such a gift. He helped us untangle our AdWords account and get it up and running, and helped set up campaigns so we could use those as templates. He was so helpful and we can't thank him enough for his support in helping us spread the word about our work through Google's free nonprofit AdWords!
Jessica L.
Jessica L.

Executive Director

Google Ads Set Up Project

(No testimonial has been submitted by Terry)
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