Daring Girls (formerly AfricAid)

place Denver, Colorado, USA
language https://DaringGirls.org


Saved on 38 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Daring Girls partners locally to ensure that girls have the knowledge, tools, and mentorship to confidently design their own futures.

Our vision is a world where every girl has the skills, confidence, and savvy to design her own future and dare to become exactly who she wants to be.

What We Do

. In partnership with GLAMI (Girls Livelihood and Mentorship Initiative), Daring Girls works to support girls at a key stage in their life where access to mentorship, education, and life skills can transform the trajectory of their futures.

Through two core mentoring programs - which recently earned the 2022 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education - we support girls who dare to do something different, who choose to prioritize their education and take control of their futures. Every week, these Scholars show up to learn together in a supportive environment from a successful, university educated woman mentor who exemplifies what they can become. As a result, girls become more resilient, more confident, and more prepared to set and reach their goals.


AfricAid G.
Volunteer manager
AfricAid G.
Volunteer manager
Jess L.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Director
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