Youth Villages

place Woburn, Massachusetts, USA


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Every day, Youth Villages works tirelessly to help some of Massachusetts’ most vulnerable children and families live successfully.

What We Do

Youth Villages, a nationally recognized leader in the field of children’s mental health, offers highly intensive services designed to help children with emotional and behavioral challenges live successfully at home. Programs offered by Youth Villages provide a much-needed solution to youth and their families caught in the child welfare/juvenile justice systems. In Massachusetts, Youth Villages offers two programs, intensive in-home services and transitional living.

Intensive In-Home Services: Family intervention specialists provide children and their families with intensive help in their own homes an average of three times a week at times convenient for them. Youth Villages’ staff carry low case loads to be able to focus intensively on each child’s unique needs and strengthen the entire family.

Transitional Living: Youth Villages’ transitional living program provides young adults who age out of foster care at 18 with the support and guidance they need to make a successful transition to adulthood and learn to live successfully on their own, helping them avoid unemployment, homelessness, incarceration and teenage parenthood.

Our Model:

Youth Villages’ services center on our Evidentiary Family Restoration approach, working intensively with children and their families in their homes and communities.

• Outcome data show that Evidentiary Family Restoration is significantly more successful long-term for the youth than traditional services, at one-third the cost of traditional care.
• We define success for our youth as living at home or in a home-like environment, being in school or employed and having no legal involvement.
• Youth Villages’ outcome data show more than 80 percent of children and youth continue to live successfully at home two years after leaving our programs.

Join us and become part of The Force for Families!


Paige S
Paige S.
Development Associate
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