Women on Change

place Washington, District of Columbia, USA
language http://www.womenonchange.org


Saved on 29 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Women on Change (WoC) 501(C)(3)

Women on Change (WoC) 501(C)(3) Partners for mutual impact via project based experiential learning and generational mentoring.

Our mission | To understand strengths and collaborate with communities and
individuals to solve challenges that fuel accountability

Approach | We invest, train, motivated and inspirational entrepreneurs, skilled mentors and volunteers age 18+ years, as they invest in 8-18 years old youth.

Values | Teamwork | Resiliency | Leadership | Growth

What We Do

We provide entrepreneurial project based learning and generational mentoring to break the cycles of challenges for communities.


Jeanose L
Jeanose L.
Executive Director
bryian t.
Volunteer manager
Douglas S.
Board member
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