Village Community Resource Center

place Brentwood, California, USA


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Village Community Resource Center (VCRC) is a community-based organization which serves struggling families in East Contra Costa County. The mission of VCRC is to provide information, support, and coordination of resources to empower and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged children and their families in a culturally sensitive environment. At VCRC we believe that ALL children deserve an equal opportunity to succeed in school, work, and life. Therefore, we support and encourage children's social-emotional and academic development through educational programs while helping families actively engage in their children's education.

What We Do

Village Community Resource Center (VCRC) has become a leader in the community as a family resource center that offers a variety of essential services for underprivileged children and their families, such as social, health, educational and recreational programs. The target population is primarily underserved families isolated due to cultural differences, language, geographic and economics. VCRC services are focused on empowering families to improve their health, children’s education and quality of life in our community and throughout Far East Contra Costa County.

VCRC offers a variety of supportive services and activities for
children, youth, and families in a safe and nurturing environment.
We provide access to resources and services aimed at improving
neighborhood conditions for families in Brentwood and the
surrounding communities. We accomplish this through
education, social services, and health programs.

Current programs include:
Early Childhood Education classes
Literacy Program K-3rd Grade
Homework Assistance 4th-5th Grade
Summer Fitness and Swim Programs
John Muir Mobile Health Clinic
Ronald McDonald Dental Care Mobile
Parent Support Group
Case Management Services
Referral Services
Translation Services


Kirsten R
Kirsten R.
Executive Director
Kirsten R.
Volunteer manager
Gloria P.
Family Resource Specialist
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