TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers)

place Beverly Hills, California, USA


Saved on 34 projects and calls

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TOM is a global movement of innovators dedicated to creating extremely affordable solutions for the needy with a goal of helping 250,000,000 people with disabilities, the elderly and broadly the underserved worldwide.

What We Do

We are uniquely prepared to help mobilize a decentralized & distributed makers community and be a repository of both solutions and challenges. We are a platform (our website), a process (our playbook) and movement (our global communities). If 'special forces' of inventors are creating solutions, we need an 'army' to disseminate them. *TOM's focus is on last-mile development and documentation, on making solutions distribution-ready and on creating the 'army' to disseminate them*, especially students and alumni networks.


Adam H.
Board Chair
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