The Network for Social Work Management

place Los Angeles, California, USA


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Our Mission is to strengthen and mobilize diverse social impact leaders through education, leadership development, networking, and community-building.

What We Do

The Network for Social Work Management (NSWM) is an international organization, established in 1985, that strengthens and advances social work management and leadership within health and human services. Social workers and human services professionals join the network to communicate, collaborate, and strengthen their professional development.

NSWM has a reach of over 15,000 people globally, who work at all levels of management, across a broad and diverse range of organizations. Its audience also includes students interested in management careers in health and human service organizations. The Network for Social Work Management's programs includes an annual international conference; emerging leaders and doctoral scholars institute; management competencies certificate; Changemakers of Color Program; Policy Fellows Program; Diversity, equity, and inclusion consultation; mentoring; and workshops (place-based and virtual).

NSWM is a 501(c)(3) organization with its corporate office in Los Angeles, California. Offices are located at 905 E. 8th St. Los Angeles, CA 90021, and the Chief Executive Officer is Lakeya Cherry.


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