The Mission Continues

place New York, New York, USA


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The Mission Continues empowers veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to life at home to find new missions. We redeploy veterans in their communities so that their shared legacy will be one of action and service.

What We Do

More than 1 million service members will separate from the military and transition into civilian life during the next 4 years. They have made tremendous sacrifices during the past decade of war.

At the Mission Continues, we strongly believe veterans are assets. We need them, and believe they have more to give when they come back home. We owe them more than a "thank you" — we owe them a successful transition.

The Mission Continues is a national non-profit organization that empowers veterans to continue serving through two action-orientated programs: the Fellowship Program and Service Platoons.

Through The Mission Continues Fellowship program, post-9/11 veterans continue serving through six-month community service fellowships. For 26 weeks, Mission Continues Fellows volunteer for 20 hours a week at a non-profit organization or governmental agency of their choice. They also complete a curriculum designed to propel them into their next phase of life, whether it’s meaningful employment or higher education. Fellows also receive a living stipend while serving. Fellows have served at more than 500 nonprofits, including Boys and Girls Club, Equest Therapeutic Horsemanship, American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Growing Washington and The Humane Society, contributing more than $7 million worth of services since 2007.

Mission Continues Service Platoons are teams of 30 to 45 veterans and civilians led by alumni of the Fellowship Program. Platoons work together on the local level to tackle a specific mission through one- or two-day service projects. In Washington, D.C., a platoon strives to reduce hunger among inner-city youth. In Phoenix, a platoon aims to eradicate veteran homelessness. Twenty-five platoons are launching across the country in 2014, tackling issues from inside the community.


Laura L
Laura L.
VP, Brand & Communications
Aaron S.
Director of Strategy & Researcher
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