The Lynn Shelter Association

place Lynn, Massachusetts, USA


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The Lynn Shelter Association believes that every person deserves a place to call home. We work alongside individuals and families to create a supportive environment-- by listening and building relationships-- empowering them to define and pursue their goals. Programs and services include shelter, supportive services, housings solutions and access to a continuum of community supports to individuals and families experiencing homelessness and those at risk.

What We Do

The Lynn Shelter Association provides shelter, supportive services, housings solutions and access to a continuum of community supports to individuals and families experiencing homelessness and those at risk. We serve over 1,000 individual and families each year, including parenting youth, children, veterans and those living with HIV/AIDS.


Tracie H
Tracie H.
Strategy/Grants Advisor to the Lynn Shelter Assoc.
Samantha W.
Director of Development
Kelly G.
Development Consultant
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