The Felix Organization

place Locust Valley, New York, USA
language http://www.thefelixorganization.…


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The Felix Organization's mission is to provide inspiring opportunities and new experiences to enrich the lives of children who are growing up in the foster care system.

What We Do

WHO: The Felix Organization was founded in 2006 by Rock 'n Roll Hall of Famer, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels and Emmy Award winning casting director, Sheila Jaffe.

WHY: Both adopted and grateful to have been "taken home", they were compelled to use their resources and experience to enrich the lives of children growing up in the foster care system. They had no idea the impact this partnership would have on the lives of so many disadvantaged children.

MISSION: THE FELIX ORGANIZATION provides inspiring opportunities and new experiences to enrich the lives of children who are growing up in the foster care system. Since its inception, Felix has sent over 1,000 children to Camp Felix, an overnight camp designed to meet the unique needs of youth in foster care. Felix has served over 5,000 additional youth through our year-round programs that support youth in the foster care system.

GOAL: To send approximately 400 children to CAMP FELIX every year at our five camp locations. We have three CAMP FELIX EAST locations serving New York foster youth and two CAMP FELIX WEST locations for youth in the Los Angeles foster care system. CAMP FELIX was designed specifically to serve this population and gives our children, so many of whom work with lawyers, therapists and social workers all year long, a chance to just be kids. Felix is more than just a camp: it is a loving and supportive environment where the children learn positive values and feel a sense of belonging.

WHERE: Our flagship CAMP FELIX is located in Putnam County, NY. We now have two additional CAMP FELIX EAST locations in Kent, CT. We have two CAMP FELIX WEST locations outside of Los Angeles. Campers participate in swimming, basketball, yoga, climbing, arts and crafts, music, creative writing, dancing, campfires, a talent show and much more.

VISION: To create CAMP FELIX in other locations by using our successful model based on a value system of respect, positive action and goals.

COST: $500 per child per week; $15,000 for one cabin for two weeks.


Amanda S
Amanda S.
Executive Director
Tiffany A
Tiffany A.
Program Coordinator
Tatiana G
Tatiana G.
Volunteer Intern
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