The Chester Children's Chorus

place Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, USA


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The Chester Children's Chorus provides an intensive, sophisticated and joyful choral music experience to young people of the city of Chester, and supports their academic achievement and personal development.

What We Do

For almost 25 years, the Chester Children's Chorus has supported the children of Chester, PA from third grade through high school graduation by providing an excellent music education in a positive environment. Participation in the Chorus helps Chorus members to realize their full potential through the joy and discipline of musical study and performance. During the summer, the six-week, full-day Summer Learning Program on the Swarthmore College campus includes arts, academics (reading, science, math, etc), and athletics.

Now, as we approach our 25th anniversary, we are expanding our year-round academic programming to better provide Chorus members with a foundation to excel while in the CCC and more importantly, as they pursue post-secondary education or other opportunities.

The CCC's Music Directors audition every second-grade child in Chester, inviting any child with a musical aptitude to join the Chorus. Depending on age, each child attends two of the 15 weekly small-group rehearsals during the school year.

Students receive grade-appropriate instruction in music education with emphasis on sightreading, understanding theory, hearing and singing harmony, appreciating musical artistry, learning and performing a wide range of music, including classical, folk, spiritual, and popular. Advanced performers sing classical masterworks with Swarthmore College Chorus and Media Chamber Chorale. Piano, theory, and composition lessons are provided to to advanced musicians.

The Chorus performs 10-12 community-wide concerts each year throughout the Delaware Valley.


John A.
Founder, Artistic Director
Leslie S.
Communications Director
Dana S.
Managing Director
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