The Alliance for Appalachia

place London, Kentucky, USA
language http://theallianceforappalachia.…


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The Alliance for Appalachia is a regional coalition of grassroots, non-profit organizations with the goals of ending mountaintop removal, putting a halt to destructive coal technologies, and creating a sustainable, just Appalachia.

What We Do

We believe that our campaign to abolish mountaintop removal mining is an important element of the national effort for progressive, systemic change in our nation's economic, energy, and environmental policies. By working in coalition to highlight and organize against the dangers and true costs of our dependence on coal, we can help move the nation toward a new ethic of whole and healthy communities and away from our current extraction economy.


Christa F
Christa F.
Alliance Development & Communications Coordinator
Lyndsay T.
economic transition coordinator
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