Tennessee Environmental Council

place Nashville, Tennessee, USA


Saved on 13 projects and calls

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Helping People and Communities Improve Our Environment

What We Do

We encourage volunteers to #bethesolution to improve the environment and give people the tools they need for success. We have a few statewide campaigns: Tennessee Tree Day (an annual native tree-planting event), Generate Some Buzz (planting pollinator gardens at homes and in communities), Come, Post Your Compost (backyard composting community). We offer supplies to get started and tips to maintain these projects. We also educate on how to Recycle Right (to reduce landfill waste and conserve our natural resources). One more program we offer locally is Watershed Support (ground work in stream bank stabilization and restoration projects including tree planting, rain garden planting and installing revetments.) Online resources provided for DIY projects.


Cynthia H
Cynthia H.
Tennessee Tree Program Manager
Gwendolyn B
Gwendolyn B.
Pollinator Program & Operations Manager
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