Support for International Change

place Los Angeles, California, USA


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To limit the impact of HIV/AIDS in underserved communities and to train future leaders in global health and development.

SIC believes that the HIV/AIDS crisis creates both an imperative to act and an opportunity to learn. We envision a world where HIV/AIDS no longer limits length or quality of life or reduces the social or economic development of communities, and where young people learn the skills to address the health crises of future generations.

What We Do

Support For International Change (SIC) was founded in August 2002 with the dual goals of limiting the impact of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania and training future leaders for global health and development.

In the rural communities, poor infrastructure and widespread poverty limit access to HIV testing and prevention services, and leave people living with HIV socially and physically isolated from care. Public clinics provide VCT and antiretroviral medications in urban centers, but lack of information, stigma and the costs of transportation all represent barriers to access and leave these services beyond the reach of Tanzania’s rural majority. As a result, HIV transmission continues, few people are tested in the villages and many of those living with AIDS die without accessing treatment.

Support For International Change works to limit the impact of HIV/AIDS in underserved communities by strengthening access to health care in rural areas and effectively train future leaders in global health and development. This is accomplished through providing a comprehensive set of HIV-related services in our target communities including: awareness campaigns, service-learning programs for international volunteers, providing free HIV testing and counseling services, access
to healthcare and treatment with mobile clinics, training of community health workers and peer educators, and support groups for people living with HIV.

SIC trains community health workers, provides mobile testing, works to make existing government services available to rural communities through mobile care and treatment centers, and provides ongoing social support and assistance with income generating projects. SIC also provides high quality service learning opportunities for young adults, giving them hands on experience in global health and health care delivery in rural Tanzania.


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