St. John School of the Arts
Saved on 2 projects and calls
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St. John School of the Arts mission is to provide Arts education through After-school, In-School, and Community Arts Programming that have the power to transform lives and inspire greatness by instilling poise, confidence, and character.What We Do
St. John School of the Arts empowers our island's youth and their families through our passion for music, movement, dramatic arts, and visual arts. Our programs seek to instill creativity and a greater sense of collaboration throughout our diverse community. St. John School of the Arts implements a variety of programs under the following umbrellas of service:Afterschool Programming:
After-school classes led by a dedicated, high-performing faculty in a variety of artistic disciplines
In-school programming:
High quality Arts instruction in the schools of St. John provided by SJSA Teaching Artists
Community Arts Programming:
Independent and Collaborative Art Education opportunities for people of the community to create and share Art.