Single Room Occupancy Housing Corporation

place Los Angeles, California, USA


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SRO Housing Corporation is a non-profit, community-based organization, dedicated to building a vibrant community for homeless and low-income individuals. We pursue our mission of community revitalization by providing clean, safe, and affordable housing; managing public spaces; and administering needed supportive services.

What We Do

SRO Housing is the only organization in Los Angeles that provides the full continuum of housing; Emergency, Transitional, and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) in private units. In conjunction with our housing, we provide a wide array of supportive services including food services, case management, information and referrals, transportation, community events, and more. Our diverse and multi-cultural staff includes formerly homeless individuals, residents, and community members whose history and life experiences are a source of inspiration. With over 35years of experience, we have a unique insight into the needs of our community and work diligently to anticipate and address those needs with an array of innovative, culturally appropriate and effective services.


Anita N
Anita N.
Chief Executive Officer
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