Science Club for Girls

place Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA


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Science Club for Girls envisions catalyzing a fully diverse and inclusive STEM community. Our mission is to “foster excitement, confidence, and literacy in STEM for girls, particularly from underrepresented communities, by providing free, experiential programs and by maximizing meaningful interactions with women mentors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.”

What We Do

We aim to improve girls’ attitudes toward STEM subjects, increase their confidence as students in these fields, and spark their desire to pursue higher education and STEM careers. We do this by creating a sisterhood of peers and mentors to support girls in their academic and career ambitions.

In our K-5th grade Science Clubs, girls of similar ages meet weekly during the school year with college, graduate or professional women in science/engineering to explore and understand the world through hands-on activities. Their semester culminates in a Science Fest in the fall and an all-site "Everybody LOVES Science" celebration and showcase in the spring.

Girls in 6-12th grades have several options. Middle school girls participate in the STEMinista program, similar in format to the K-5th grade clubs but with more in-depth learning modules that center on teaching girls through the design process. High school girls can become part of the teaching team and guide younger girls in Science Clubs as Junior Mentors, gaining experiential leadership skills along the way. We also offer teen "challenge teams" (Rocket Team, Media Team, Tech Team, and others) and a high school STEM research internship program. In summer, we work with teen girls in a six-week intensive skill-development and career exploration program called "Young Leaders in STEM."

SCFG focuses on a target population of girls in grades K-12 from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in STEM: non-white, non-Asian, and/or low-income. All programs are offered tuition-free.


Lonsdale K
Lonsdale K.
Executive Director
Bonnie B
Bonnie B.
Lucy Sweeney, Director of Development
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