San Francisco Green Film Festival

place San Francisco, California, USA


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To educate and connect communities through forward-thinking programs of environmental films and discussions.

What We Do

San Francisco Green Film Festival is the Bay Area’s leading movement for films and conversations about people and the planet. We are the only dedicated participatory platform for environmentally focused media within the Bay Area.

San Francisco is a city of people that care deeply about the environment. At the heart of the global Green movement, it leads by example and challenges government, business and communities alike to live a more sustainable future.

But, even here, it can be hard to cut through the noise, to get to the facts and feel you can make something happen.

Now heading into its fifth year, the annual festival and year-round screenings add up to over 200 compelling and relevant environmental film programs. The festival brings together green artists from across the Bay Area, including musicians, sculptors, designers, photographers and filmmakers who are inspired by the environment. They have all provided a participatory space for the eco-savvy and green curious to meet filmmakers, environmental experts and campaigners to watch, discuss, and create ideas for a better world.

The core of SFGFF programs is to bring audiences the films, expertise and participation that gives them a chance to find their thing, their environmental passion, then hook on and act on it.

Read more about our programs, films, and impact at


Rachel  C
Rachel C.
Founder & CEO
Gemma B
Gemma B.
Festival Producer
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