Retreat Farm

place Brattleboro, Vermont, USA


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Retreat Farm is building healthy lives, families, and community by connecting people to the land and to one another. Adjoining downtown Brattleboro, Retreat Farm encompasses over 600 acres of conserved forests, farmlands, trails, and waterways on ancestral Abenaki lands.

What We Do

The original Retreat Farm was established in 1837 to provide food, fuel, and occupational therapy to the patients and staff of the Brattleboro Retreat psychiatric hospital. Retreat Farm, an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was formed in 2015 to restore the forests, soils, waters and stunning historic barns as a vital community asset. Today, this historic property is providing opportunities for people from all walks of life to access fresh food, connect to nature, and find community. Retreat Farm has quickly become a principal land-based anchor institution that contributes to the vibrancy of the region and brings people together to create common bonds.


Wendy F
Wendy F.
Volunteer manager
Lindsay F
Lindsay F.
Managing Director, Impact & Community
Joshua B.
Managing Director for Finance and Administration
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