Reforest-Accion Network

place Hoyos, Spain


Saved on 1 project or call

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Creating strategic actions to develop transformational experiences for society to Restore Respect for Nature.
We are focused on reforestation activities. To bring back the culture of the forest. To understand it, to respect it, to restore it.

What We Do

We do work restoring native forests in Sierra de Gata, Extremadura, Spain.
Working with native seeds, creating efficient and economic ways to reforest based on observing Nature.
Using technology such as drones to set protocols to reforest native forests with these technologies.
Education, inviting new generations to participate in the reforestation.
Restoring the culture of the Forest. Sharing techniques, knowledge and our experiences during four intense years of reforestation actions.


Rodrigo I
Rodrigo I.
Volunteer manager
Sophia L
Sophia L.
Volunteer manager
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