Pittsburgh Youth Chorus

place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
language http://www.pittsburghyouthchorus…


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Through professional-level choral education and performance, Pittsburgh Youth Chorus provides opportunities for a diverse group of children and youth to realize their innate artistic potential and share experiences that enrich their lives while benefitting their families and communities

What We Do

From its earliest years to the present, Pittsburgh Youth Chorus has been and continues to be a highly-regarded source of performance-ready talent to many professional organizations, including the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Pittsburgh Opera, and the Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh. Over the years, nearly 3000 young singers have participated in our progressive program of choral education, mastering challenging choral repertoire in a variety of genres and languages and receiving a solid education in music theory and vocal production.


Edwina F
Edwina F.
Executive Director
Rachel H
Rachel H.
Marketing Manager
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