Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI)

place Bronx, New York, USA


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The Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI) works to transform eldercare and disability services. We foster dignity, respect, and independence for all who receive care and all who provide it. The nation’s leading authority on the direct care workforce, PHI promotes quality direct care jobs as the foundation for quality care.

What We Do

Direct care workers are skilled women and men who provide hands-on care and support every day to older adults and people living with disabilities—in home, community-based, and institutional settings. They ensure clients’ well-being, lend emotional support, and assist with daily tasks essential to living independently.

However, direct care workers are often denied opportunities for high-quality training, living wages, advancement, and respect for the critical role they play—making it harder for them to provide the quality care their clients deserve. It’s also harder for direct care providers to attract and retain caring, committed professionals to meet the growing need for long-term care services.

PHI draws on 25 years of experience working side-by-side with direct care workers and their clients in cities and towns across the country to offer providers, policymakers, and other key stakeholders all the tools necessary to ensure quality care and quality jobs. We maintain a national headquarters in New York and an office in Washington, D.C.


Angelina D
Angelina D.
Chief Operating Officer
Jodi S
Jodi S.
Robert E
Robert E.
Vice President of Policy
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