Papahana Kuaola

place Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA


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To cultivate aina (ancestral land) and kanaka (people) to nurture learning, relationships, and lifestyles that enable all Hawaii to thrive.

What We Do

We are a hui ho`omahuahua Hawai`i (an organization that enables Hawai`i to thirve). We function as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under U.S. federal law, an education partner to the schools with which we collaborate, a cultural center to those who need space and materials for cultural practice, a social enterprise to our investors, a steward to our `aina, and fertile ground to those who want to grow things.

Our operational center is located in the ahupua`a of He`eia, moku of Ko`olaupoko, Windward O`ahu. Situated at the mouth of Ha`iku Valley, our programs span several parcels, an area of just over 75 acres, the core of which is the `ili of Waipao.


Keoni K
Keoni K.
Executive Director
Kapaliku S.
Luanna P.
Curriculum and Assessment Specialist
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