North Shore Community Land Trust

place Haleiwa, Hawaii, USA


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The mission of the North Shore Community Land Trust is to protect, steward, and enhance the natural landscapes, cultural heritage, and rural character of ahupua‘a from Kahuku Point to Ka‘ena.

What We Do

North Shore Community Land Trust (NSCLT) strives to protect natural habitats and agricultural lands throught the North Shore region of Oahu. NSCLT's focus is land conservation that benefits the community. These areas includes coastal regions, agricultural lands, watersheds, and forests. Some of our success' include the preservationa of approximately 1200 acreas at Pupukea Paumalu, 27 acres at Sunset Ranch, and once finalized, approximately 1000 acres at Turtle Bay. We also facilitate restoration work on the properties that we have preserved and host community gatherings to help connect the people to the land.


Alice T
Alice T.
Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator
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