New York Asian Women's Center

place New York, New York, USA


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The New York Asian Women’s Center helps women and their children overcome domestic violence and other forms of abuse by empowering them to govern their own lives. The Center provides a safe haven through multi-lingual support programs and shelter services. In addition, the Center works to raise public awareness about violence against women, advocates for the rights of survivors, and acts as an agent of social change.

What We Do

Recognizing that every survivor's circumstances and life experiences are unique and distinct, NYAWC aims to provide services that are not only culturally sensitive and empowering, but tailored to individual needs. All of our services are free and confidential.

Our programs and services include:
24-Hour Multilingual Hotline (1-888-888-7702)
Shelter Alternatives: Fostering Empowerment (SAFE)
Emergency Shelter
Children's Program
Community Education and Outreach
Project Free: Ending Modern-day Slavery


Larry L
Larry L.
Executive Director
Vineeta K.
Volunteer manager
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