New Voters

place Berwyn, Pennsylvania, USA


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New Voters' mission is to register the youth of America to vote. We are based out of Pennsylvania, but have since expanded to include 500 high schools across the country. We simply want to enable young people--regardless of their political views--to be more politically active, and to express their viewpoints via the voting box.

What We Do

New Voters is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works with high school student-leaders across America to help them host highly-successful non-partisan voter registration drives at their schools. New Voters has civically activated over 80,000 high school students in 39 states and 500+ high schools, with over 300 high school and college student team members. New Voters provides a comprehensive student-run training program tailored to each school, relying on a "student training students" approach. New Voters operates with the goals of registering young people to vote early, reminding them to vote before every election, building the next generation of educated voters, and fostering a culture of non-partisanship.


Cameron D
Cameron D.
Director of Partnerships
Nivea K
Nivea K.
Director of Fundraising
Kyle F
Kyle F.
Director of Mentorship
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