National Montford Point Marine Assoc, Inc

place Bronx, New York, USA
language http://www.montfordpointmarines.…


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To preserving the legacy of our past by building a lasting tribute memorial for tomorrow. To construct a fitting 'Living Memorial Monument' in honor of the first 20,000 African-Americans who trained at Montford Point Camp, North Carolina and fought for the title “United States Marine” under Presidential Executive Order 8802

What We Do

Our Goal is to; Fully establish Public awareness regarding the proud legacy of the Montford Point Marines and demonstrate an awareness through the social media community. To establish support that aides in the public awareness of their proud legacy and contribution to American History. Though recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal, designation of US Naval Ship - Montford Point MLP-1, and countless, it is only fitting that we build a tribute that preserves their legacy for the future through volunteers, sponsors, collaboration, and media events.


James C
James C.
Vice President, & Fundraising Dir
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