My Brother's Workshop

place St Thomas, Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands (U.S.)


Saved on 5 projects and calls

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My Brother's Workshop provides faith and hope to at-risk and high-risk youth (ages 16-24) in the Virgin Islands through mentoring, mental health counseling, education, vocational and on the job training and job placement.

What We Do

All of our facilities provide our trainees with different skills and tools they need to move into the workforce and become contributing members of society. We have a workshop on St. Thomas (which also houses our Marine and R and D Programs), MBW Cafe and Bakery, our school and Workshop on St. Croix. If a trainee in our program has not received a high school diploma through traditional means, they are required to do so through our online program.


Chrystie P
Chrystie P.
Communications/Donor Relations
Jenny H.
Executive Director
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