Multicultural Center of Marin
Saved on 26 projects and calls
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OUR MISSIONThe Multicultural Center of Marin works with diverse immigrant and underserved communities of Marin County in advancing their social, cultural, and economic well-being through self-empowerment programs that encourage participation in the broader civic life of U.S. society.
What We Do
In 2018, the Canal Welcome Center formally rebranded as the Multicultural Center of Marin. Today, we stand as a testament to the cultural wisdom and diversity that is inherent in the immigrant communities that make up Marin County.Through training, mentorship, collaboration, and community organizing, the Multicultural Center of Marin provides the pathways and opportunities for people of these diverse communities to come together in strength. And by doing so, they become a wellspring for creating positive, community-rooted solutions throughout Marin County.
MCM has three main programatic areas:
Arts, Culture and Media
Youth & Family Empowerment
Community Resilience
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