
place Sydney, Australia


Saved on 1 project or call

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Our vision is to be the leader in the field of aged care. To develop, implement and promote best practice in all aspects of aged care by continuously reviewing and improving services.
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life of older people, by providing an exceptional standard of service and care, embracing the richness of Jewish religion, culture and tradition.

What We Do

Montefiore is a leading Sydney aged care provider with a proud 130-year history, offering quality residential care, home care and independent living to all those who need our support throughout all stages of the ageing experience with unparalleled clinical and allied health services and a personal approach to care.


Leila A
Leila A.
Volunteer manager
Hazel S.
Volunteer Manager
Gabbie B
Gabbie B.
General Manager Client Experience &Marketing
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