Men for H.O.P.E

place Trenton, New Jersey, USA


Saved on 3 projects and calls

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Men for H.O.P.E is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in Trenton, NJ that provides low income and below poverty level citizens with the professional and academic resources needed for success.

What We Do

MEN FOR H.O.P.E is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that utilizes education, mentoring, and community outreach as tools for social and economic development. The acronym "H.O.P.E" means "Helping Other People Elevate". The acronym reflects our primary interest in improving the living conditions of those in need. Our central audience is low income and below poverty level residents of New Jersey. We collaborate with other
local nonprofits, banks and brands to provide underserved families with essential items and donations as well as professional and academic resources. Our partnerships also aid us in producing engaging, informative events and activities that are open to the public such as our previous financial literacy courses, healthy eating sessions and our annual summer block party.


Kelvin B
Kelvin B.
Executive Director & Project Manager
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