place Brookline, Massachusetts, USA


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MEDIAGIRLS ( is a nonprofit that teaches middle-school girls & young women to discover their self-worth,and harness the power of media for positive change. We do this by recruiting and training female college students to share with girls in our after-school programming how to critically analyze and reject sexist media messaging, know their true self worth, and produce and publish empowering media content.

What We Do

Our approach:

MULTI-WEEK PROGRAM IN SCHOOL OR AFTERSCHOOL: We provide 8- or 16-week programming, taught by female college Mentors in Boston, who we recruit and train. In Part 1, participants learn to think critically about media's influence on girls, define their self-worth, and create empowering content using social media. In Part 2, participants create, launch and promote an eight-week campaign using Instagram and YouTube designed to empower girls.

PARENT WORKSHOPS: In our 90-min workshop, we help parents and educators understand the complicated world of girls and social media, and provide a concrete road map with strategies for making their favorite apps healthier and more positive for girls.

60-90 MINUTE WORKSHOP FOR GIRLS: Middle-school participants discuss in this workshop the pros and cons of social media, along with the repercussions of unspoken "girl rules." Together they create a new plan for making Instagram, Snapchat and other apps more inspiring and powerful for girls and young women.

FREE ONLINE RESOURCES: We provide free resources and activities and a blog to help parents and educators engage girls in discussions about how media shapes our attitudes, and how we can collectively change the culture of media for girls and women.


Michelle C
Michelle C.
Founder & Executive Director MEDIAGIRLS
Amanda M.
Volunteer manager
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