Maternity Africa


Saved on 6 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Vision Statement

Our vision is to make child birth safe for every woman. Our prayer is to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.

Mission Statement

We are a Christian based organisation who endeavour to provide fistula treatment and quality maternity care for all marginalized women throughout Africa, through clinical excellence and in the example of displaying love, kindness and compassion regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.

Core Values

• Compassion
• Integrity
• Clinical Excellence
• Honesty
• Respect
• Justice for the poor
• Human Dignity

What We Do

We aim to save African mamas and babies by providing maternity care which is Kind, Safe and Excellent. Currently we are building a new maternity hospital in Arusha Tanzania, that will act as a training platform for Midwives. We believe African Midwives have the potential to be the best in the world dealing daily with obstetric emergencies that are unheard of in the west. We work alongside midwives building up confidence and competence, encouraging midwifery practice which is evidence based. We also provide fistula repair services for women who have had the traumatic experience of an obstructed labour, providing healing and hope for a better future.


Anna M
Anna M.
Volunteer manager
Elizabeth W.
Volunteer manager
Michael H
Michael H.
Country Director
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