Leah Willis Dance Arts

place Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Saved on 4 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Our Mission is to positively impact our community for families of color, as well as families from a multitude cultural backgrounds through diverse exposure to the world of Dance in 7 different Dance Disciplines, and by functionally combining Academic Learning, Career/Life Skills Competency, Nutritional Research and wellness practices, and Service Learning.
Our programs rectify three major issues:
-Reverse the school drop out rates among teens and remedy learning disabilities/deficiencies
-Eliminate childhood and adolescent obesity through Agricultural/Nutritional Research and Entrepreneurial Self Sufficiency
-Provide jobs and internships to high school youth, college students and adults.


Leah W
Leah W.
Chief Executive Officer
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