La Leche League USA

place Lawrence Township, New Jersey, USA


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La Leche League USA (LLL USA) helps parents, families, and communities to breastfeed, chestfeed, and human milk feed their babies through parent-to-parent support. LLL USA encourages, informs, educates, supports, and promotes the use of human milk and the intimate relationship and development that comes from nursing a child for as long as mutually desired.

What We Do

Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't always come naturally. La Leche League offers nursing support to all who want to nourish their children with human milk.

Whether you want to nurse for 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, or beyond, La Leche League USA can help you to reach your breastfeeding goals.

La Leche League helps families by:

* Providing free meetings led by volunteer Leaders, who are
experienced with breastfeeding and are accredited by
La Leche League International.
* Offering support between meetings for breastfeeding challenges, such as positioning and latch, being sure your baby is getting enough milk, soreness, pumping and milk storage, and so much more!
* Helping parents learn about the ages and stages of breastfeeding.
* Creating a community of support by bringing nursing families together.


Linda A.
Resource Development
Lauren B
Lauren B.
Web Coordinator & Database Administration Manager
Team LLL U.
Volunteer manager
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