Ke Kula 'O Pi'ilani

place Wailuku, Hawaii, USA


Saved on 2 projects and calls

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Grounded in the language, values, and 'Ike of our kupuna, Ke Kula 'o Pi'ilani strives to inspire a lifelong love of learning by cultivating an enriching environment in which diverse students grow to be united, confident, globally competitive servant leaders who think critically and creatively to contribute to the betterment of Maui, Hawaii, and the world.

What We Do

We are an independent school, currently educating students in Kindergarten through third grade. We deliver a values-based curriculum, through the Hawaiian language, seen through the Hawaiian lens. Our values are: ALOHA, for ourselves, each other, and the world around us; 'IMI 'IKE, the continuous search for knowledge; and KULEANA, upholding our responsibilities that stem from our aloha and our drive to 'imi 'ike.


Joy S.
Volunteer manager
Kimberly T
Kimberly T.
Kanani K.
Volunteer manager
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