Jewish Coalition for Literacy

place San Francisco, California, USA


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Inspired by Jewish values of social justice, the Jewish Coalition for Literacy is dedicated to eliminating childhood illiteracy by m mobilizing reading tutors, engaging parents,, and expanding home libraries to help under-served public school children throughout the Bay Area.

We envision a society where all children can read, and regardless of family circumstances, are inspired to reach their full potential.

What We Do

We train and match volunteer literacy tutors with struggling K-3 students at underserved public schools throughout the Bay Area to to ensure that all kids can read by the end third grade and are inspired to succeed. To support our literacy goals, we conduct parent education workshops to encourage reading at home, and distribute thousands of high quality children's books each year to students who have few, if any, books of their own.


Randi F
Randi F.
Lisa P.
Volunteer manager
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