Io non ho paura del lupo

place Borgo Val di Taro, Italy
language https://www.iononhopauradellupo.…


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#iononhopauradellupo was born from mountain people.
Farmers, breeders, simple enthusiasts and nature professionals gathered under the same name and united by a shared feeling for the protection of nature and its inhabitants.
Our association is inspired by principles of democracy, equality, freedom of thought and, through targeted actions, wants to ensure a stable future not only for the wolf, but also for man, the environment and all animal and plant species, promoting development and protection of biodiversity.

What We Do

Through our activism we want:
- Promote conservation of the wolf on Italian territory, improving its acceptance among the stakeholders who must live with it.
- Monitor the presence of the wolf on the territory in order to increase the collective knowledge of the species, actively collaborating on the field with all the institutional actors involved.
- Promote the conservation of pastoralism and breeding activities through the diffusion and adoption of means of prevention for attacks by predators.
- Enhance those who practice sustainable breeding methods and respectful of the environment and predators, promoting knowledge among the public.
- Promote Rewilding processes that aim to create or preserve ecological corridors and areas of naturalistic interest
- Increase knowledge popular the wolf and all other wildlife through awareness campaigns, communication and field activities.
- Spread correct practices of approach to nature in the community respecting it and the fauna that lives there.
- Be an independent landmark on the wolf open to all citizens for the purpose of collecting information and reports.
- Dialogue with institutions in order to encourage them to encourage coexistence between wolf and man.
- Actively counteract those who exploit the theme of large predators (wolf, bear, etc.) to pursue electoral and political purposes.
- Tackling bad media information on wolf and large predators.
- Communicate and confront the hunting world.


Francesco R
Francesco R.
The pixel