Institute for Transformational Leadership (African Leadership Institute of Community Transformation)

place Stellenbosch, South Africa


Saved on 24 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


To empower emerging Christian leaders to facilitate sustainable transformation towards healthy reconciled communities based on biblical principles.

What We Do

We empower emerging leaders to be agents of holistic transformation and to be life long learners, to sustain their work in their faith and interdependence of others, to work to empower others, to build community and to seek sustainability, longer term results, as well as deep relationships of shared journeys and who are willing to be transformed and to transform through facilitation as servant leaders.
Our flagship 3 month learning experience ALICT, opens a life-long journey with emerging leaders from their cohort and ALICT alumni, as well as Care & Support and continued Growth & Development which is facilitated from the office in South Africa. Staff consists of locals, alumni and volunteers in other countries.


Johan H
Johan H.
Executive Head
Tahina A.
Soamalala R
Soamalala R.
Projects Coordinator
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