Institute for Medical Quality

place San Francisco, California, USA


Saved on 13 projects and calls

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The mission of the Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ), a 501(c)3 corporation, is to be an innovative leader in improving the quality of care provided to patients across the continuum of health care by encouraging, developing and implementing programs which effectively measure and improve the quality of care provided to people in California and beyond. In support of its mission, IMQ conducts educational programs and evaluates health care delivery.

What We Do

IMQ improves the quality of health care through education and evaluation. We offer a range of programs that measure and enhance healthcare quality in hospitals, medical practices, surgery centers, and jails. We conduct peer review and help organizations improve patient safety. We accredit organizations that provide continuing medical education and we help physicians track their continuing education credits for licensing. We offer online education, workshops and conferences, and custom education on a variety of topics, including physician leadership. We bring physicians together to review data to reduce clinical variation and enhance value.


Jill S.
President and CEO
Victoria S.
VP, Ambulatory Programs
Leslie I.
Volunteer manager
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