Humane Society of Bay County
Saved on 8 projects and calls
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To save, protect, and enhance the lives of animals in Bay County.What We Do
The Humane Society of Bay County, a registered 501(c)(3), was formed in November 1984 by a group of concerned citizens who recognized a need within our community. Since that time, the organization has acted as the animal advocate in our community. Your support continues to be our inspiration as we look forward to a future of improved welfare for all animals.The Humane Society of Bay County is a separate entity from Bay County Animal Services and Adoption Center, However, the Humane Society is an advocate for shelter adoptions and was a source of significant funding for building the Bay County Animal Control facility. Our organization has many programs, including Sterilization and vaccination for adoptable animals, Trap, Neuter, Return for community cats, temporary pet care for domestic violence victims, advocacy against animal cruelty and abuse, community awareness and education, and so much more!