Human Services Council of New York

place New York, New York, USA
language https://www.humanservicescouncil…


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HSC strengthens New York's nonprofit human services sector, ensuring New Yorkers from all walks of life, across diverse neighborhoods, cultures, and generations reach their full potential.

What We Do

HSC's goal is to better the lives of all New Yorkers so they can reach their full human potential. We do this by strengthening New York's nonprofit human services industry, an economic engine in which the City and State collectively invest $5.8 billion in funding annually. HSC supports these nonprofit agencies, their workers, and their clients by being their champion.

HSC understands the sector's needs and works to raise awareness of the contributions made and difficulties faced by our organizations and the clients we serve. We work with the sector, government partners, academia, and other allies to achieve systemic change that improves the quality of life for New Yorkers by strengthening the advocacy and service capacity of the sector.


Jason W.
Volunteer manager
Iona T.
Volunteer manager
Jen D.
Volunteer manager
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