Hui Malama Learning Center

place Wailuku, Hawaii, USA


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To inspire, nurture, and empower students to pursue careers that bolster our islands’ economy, increase self-reliance, and provide for future generations. Emphasizing project-based learning and youth engagement strategies that develop the whole person, Hui Malama cultivates students’ unique talents, intelligences and character. Through a social-entrepreneurial approach and leveraging resources through partnerships, Hui Malama demonstrates a Non-Profit Social Impact Model that is organizationally sound, fiscally responsible, and sustainable.

What We Do

For over 40 years, Hui Malama Learning Center, a small, independent school in Wailuku, Maui, has continued to identify and meet the unique learning abilities and needs of each of its students. Hui Malama utilizes research-based approaches, past school records and performance reports as well as student/caregiver perspectives to design curricula that are hands-on, place-based, and centered on the unique learning strengths and needs of its students. It is also the only agency on Maui that provides an integrated combination of academic, social development, wellness, and work preparedness curriculum. Malama, in Hawaiian, means to care for, and Hui Malama Learning Center, together with its teachers, staff, mentors and community partners, cares for each and every student and family who enters its doors


Pualani E
Pualani E.
Volunteer manager
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