Housing Families Inc.

place Malden, Massachusetts, USA
language www.housingfamilies.org


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Housing Families works to end family homelessness. We provide safe temporary shelter and quality affordable housing. We offer individualized supportive services to enrich children’s lives, nurture the potential of each family member, and help families maintain permanent housing.

What We Do

HFI’s programs and services are comprehensive, high-quality, and innovative, taking a holistic approach to ending family homelessness that addresses the individual needs of all family members.

The primary long-term objectives of our programs are 1) to assure permanent housing stability for families and 2) to provide a range of supporting services to parents and children that help them surmount the social and emotional impact of homelessness and/or housing instability.

History/Mission. Founded in 1986, HFI works to strengthen low-income families, increase their self-sufficiency, and help them secure and sustain permanent affordable housing. In addition and noteworthy, HFI is one of the few affordable housing organizations that provides a comprehensive out-of-school time program for youth who are homeless and have experienced significant academic, social-emotional, and health-related challenges as compared with their non-homeless peers.

Homelessness results overwhelmingly from a combination of socio-economic conditions—e.g., poverty, lack of affordable housing, prolonged unemployment, lack of education, decreased government funding, domestic violence, and diminished social supports. HFI’s family-driven mission is:

To end family homelessness. We provide safe, temporary shelter and quality affordable housing. We offer individualized supportive services to enrich children’s lives, nurture the potential of each family member, and to help families maintain permanent housing.


Jim G
Jim G.
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