Grey Bears

place Santa Cruz, California, USA


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Grey Bears improves the health and well being of seniors through food distribution, volunteerism and resource conservation.

What We Do

Grey Bears has evolved over four decades of serving our community by reusing, repairing, repurposing and recycling resources that would otherwise go to waste. Our Healthy Food for Seniors program distributes 2.3 million pounds of food to 4,000 seniors and individuals in need each year. Our thrift store includes housewares, furniture, clothing, books, medical supplies and refurbished computers and electronics. Our three recycling centers divert more than 6,000 tons of materials from local landfills. Our classes including chair yoga, Spanish, tech help and cooking, and luncheon events are attended by 3,500 seniors. With the help of more than 800 volunteers who donate 80,000 hours of service each year we have created a model template for a self-sustaining nonprofit.


Tim B
Tim B.
Volunteer manager
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