Golden Thread Productions

place San Francisco, California, USA


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Golden Thread Productions, founded in 1996, is the first American theatre company devoted to the Middle East. We produce passionate and provocative plays from or about the Middle East that celebrate the multiplicity of its perspectives and identities. We are a developmental catalyst and vibrant artistic home to artists at various stages of their career. We bring the Middle East to the American stage, creating treasured cultural experiences for audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

What We Do

Golden Thread develops and produces plays and live theatrical performances. Signature programs include premiering new full-length plays, ReOrient Festival of Short Plays, New Threads Staged Reading Series, Fairytale Players theatre for young audiences, and What do the Women Say?

Our programs expose non-Middle Eastern audiences to the authentic voices and alternative perspectives of the region, while serving Middle Eastern audiences who rarely encounter meaningful reflections of their own culture in the performing arts.


Torange Y.
Founding Artistic Director
Michelle M.
Managing Director
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