gloATL, Inc.

place Atlanta, Georgia, USA


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to demonstrate the impact of innovative and ambitious movement arts and cultural initiatives.

What We Do

glo was founded by choreographer Lauri Stallings and production specialist Richard Carvlin in 2009. Led by our founders, the staff, collaborators, full-time dancers, advisors and volunteer GUILD contribute deeply to every aspect of the platform. We are grateful for this constellation of support.

We are committed to collaboration, creative process and listening to people in everything we do, from our performance experiments, schoolhouse, community dinners, to migrating.

We felt it was necessary to launch glo to help revitalize identity in the American South. We have done this by underscoring human interaction in contemporary performance and arts impulses to work outside recognizable spaces. Deploying place as a social product and complex construction of value and meaning, we are a year-round public initiative.

Our work is a dynamic convergence of artists and community working together in new ways of inventing multiple wheels of collaboration, models of solutions for participating and human empowerment, through contemporary performance. We are obsessed with choreography's uncanny ability to identify the movement and fluidity of a city. glo bends genres with a pool of conductors, filmmakers, rappers, fashion and visual artists for programming that includes civic action, world premiere interdisciplinary performance experiments, an International curated live art series, state public art tours and deeply listening to citizens.

For this, glo has won recognition among those who have little access to the arts and those who have a global perspective.


Tim B.
Director of Development
Nancy N
Nancy N.
President, Board of Directors
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