Girls in the Game

place Chicago, Illinois, USA


Saved on 72 projects and calls

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At Girls in the Game every girl finds her voice, discovers her strength and leads with confidence through fun and active sports, health and leadership programs.

What We Do

Girls in the Game is a nonprofit organization that exists to empower all girls to be gamechangers. Serving girls ages 7-18, our mission is to help every girl find her voice, discover her strength, and lead with confidence through fun and active sports, health, and leadership programs. We are based in Chicago, but also host program sites in Baltimore and North Texas. Our programs span from After School for elementary and middle school girls, to Summer Camp, Teen Programs, and City Wide Initiatives that bring girls of all ages and background together for fun and active days of play. Since our inception in 1995, we have served over 50,000 girls! For more information about who we are and what we do, visit our website:


Renee S
Renee S.
Senior Manager of Operations
Alecia I
Alecia I.
Director of Innovation and Training
Jess L.
Development Manager
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