Generations Incorporated

place Boston, Massachusetts, USA


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Generations Incorporated strives to improve the literacy skills of young children through Grade 3. We also provide meaningful opportunities to older adults who serve as literacy volunteers in our partner schools and after school programs in low-income communities.

What We Do

Generations Incorporated recruits talented community adults age 50+ and trains them to be literacy tutors. Volunteers are placed within partner schools and afterschool programs to provide targeted, high-dosage one-to-one and classroom-based interventions to K - 3rd grade students who are struggling to reach literacy proficiency. Our volunteer tutors provide up to 15 hours of direct academic mentoring service each week, boosting students’ literacy performance while developing meaningful, mutually-beneficial mentoring relationships with the students they serve.


Megan W.
Institutional Relations Coordinator
Jennie W.
Senior Manager of Development and Communications
Kathleen T.
Director of Finance and Administration
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